
Letort Spring Creek

The LeTort Spring Run is named after James LeTort, a French-Swiss trader who settled near the headwaters of the stream in the early 18th century. In the 18th and 19th centuries, numerous mills and tanneries were located along the stream's banks. Later, the stream became internationally known for cold-water fly-fishing. LeTort Spring Run is one of the finest limestone trout streams in the nation, known for large wild browns that are particularly wily. This iconic stream was also the first stream featured on the companion TV series to the book Fifty Places to Fly Fish Before You Die. While hatches are not as heavy and the run no longer produces the large fish it used to, you can still catch some really beautiful fish on the stream. The fish are very wary and the fishing presents a challenge for the most accomplished fly fisher, the stream and the history that surrounds it is worth the trip.